You may designate a special offering to any of the New Hope Las Vegas Ministries available; however, the church reserves the right to redirect funds to the area of ministry most needed. Please note the dollar amount toward the ministry intended for proper allocation.
Thank You!

The tithe is a biblical principle of giving to the Lord the first 10% of your income and the acknowledgment that everything rightly belongs to God, we are only stewards of the things God has given us. The tithe is a token brought to honor the Lord and to recognize Him as owner of all and an offering is a measure of one’s generosity. Before one can be a generous giver, one must be an obedient tither.
*Please be sure to indicate your offering for "Tithes"

Help us get the funds for a new church building so that we can leave a legacy here in Las Vegas. Thank you all for your continued contributions we greatly appreciate your support!
*Please be sure to indicate your offering is for our "Building Campaign"
SUPPORT us as we get the funds to pay for our New Hope Album and share our impactful and anointed music across the world. Thank you all for your continued contributions we greatly appreciate your support!
*Please be sure to indicate your offering is for our "NHLV Album"
To download the New Hope Las Vegas phone app, please enter "New Hope LV" in Apple Store or Google Play, once you have the App, click on “Give” and follow the steps to make a donation. Since this is your first time you will be prompted to set up an account.